From the Associated Press: "A pack of angry Chihuahuas attacked a police officer who was escorting a teenager home following
a traffic stop, authorities said. The officer suffered minor injuries including bites to his ankle on Thursday when the five
Chihuahuas escaped the 17-year-old boy's home and rushed the officer in the doorway, said Fremont detective Bill Veteran."
"Oh Clive! What a glorious day it is! The sun is brightly shining, the birds are cheerfully singing! All is well, my love,
all is well."
"You are so right, beloved Jasmine. How can I not feel at peace with the universe whilst strolling along the boulevard
with the one that I treasure most?"
"So true, my dearest, so true."
"Ah, the peaceful calm of Fremont, California. What a felicitous happenstance that lead my eye to the ad for our Bed and
Breakfast! So many of our outings have gone awry! So many happy moments have turned to sorrow! But here we are, and happy
we are, at last!"
"I do so love you Clive!"
"And I do so love you, Jasmine!"
"But, Clive, do you hear that very oddest of noises? It is a most high-pitched sort of noise...What could it be?"
"Yes! I hear it too! But what could it be? The timbre is most disturbing. It reminds me somewhat of my Aunt Delilah, but
I cannot fathom why."
"Oh dear! Oh Clive! Do you not remember why we did not often visit your Aunt Delilah?"
"No, but it will come to me.....But Jasmine, what is it that I see? Why, it is a police officer, running towards us....What
ever could be wrong?"
"Oh, think, Clive, think! Aunt Delilah was lovely and sweet, but Senor Alfonso was not!
"Oh dear God! I had forgotten about Senor Alfonso! That high-pitched noise that we hear! It is the high-pitched yapping
of Senor Alfonso, quintupled!"
"And here towards us runs the police officer, with ankles all a-bloodied!"
"Oh, my dearest Jasmine, I think we must run! Run, precious Jasmine, run...."
"Oh, Clive, please no....for the love of God no!"
"Yes, Jasmine. Run! Run! It is what we fear most........A pack of angry Chihuahuas!"