Sometimes I think people just aren't paying attention. Look at this quote from USA Today by Rahsaan Johnson of Continental
Airlines: "The pie that represents the business traveler is not as large as in years past, and we want to make sure we're
getting our fair share of it." In response Continental is introducing a new fare structure for business travelers. Is that
what Continental should do? No! If Rahsaan Johnson of Continental airlines had been a devoted reader of he would
know what to do with airline pie. For on we find a quote that I sent out previously from a certain Dan Mann,
an airport manager from Wyoming: "I've always contended that if you have really good air service you just grow the pie."
Think of all the money Continental probably wasted trying to find an answer when I had already found it for them. If they
need a bigger business traveler pie, then they have to have really good air service. Then they can GROW THE PIE! Good heavens.
Grow the pie, people, grow the pie!