Best film:
Team America:
World Police
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Best comedy:
Napoleon Dynamite
Best dramatic comedy:
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Best suspense:
Open Water
Best actor:
Colin Farrell (A Home at the End of the World)
Best actress:
Uma Thurman (Kill Bill Vol. 2)
Kate Winslet (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
Best supporting actor:
Eric Bana (Troy)
Best supporting actress:
Rachel McAdams (Mean Girls)
Best documentary:
Fahrenheit 9/11
Best foreign film:
Whale Rider
Best screenplay:
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I Heart Huckabees
Best effects:
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The “Not butt!” award for the
best line:
“There are three kinds of people in this world… dicks, pussies, and assholes…” (Team America:
World Police)
Best character:
Kip (Napoleon Dynamite)
The Leonardo DiCaprio award for excellence
in the field of onscreen kissing:
Viggo Mortensen and Liv Tyler (LOTR:ROTK Coronation sequence)
Runner up- Brad Pitt and Rose Byrne (Troy “Everyone dies” sequence)
Best smart-ass remark:
“Your mom goes to college” (Napoleon Dynamite)
Best delivery of an otherwise cheesy line:
“This day we fight!” (LOTR:ROTK)
Best tear-jerker moment:
Pai’s school presentation (Whale Rider)
Best funny moment:
Uncle Rico throws a steak (Napoleon Dyamite)
Best action sequence:
The battle at Pelinor fields (LOTR:ROTK)
Best DVD special features:
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The “Cannibal The Musical”
award for excellence in the field of commentary:
Jared Hess, Jon Heder, Jeremy Coon (Napoleon Dynamite)
Most bizarre DVD commentary:
Anchorman Uncensored DVD commentary
Best movie that looked good but never played
in theatres near me:
Motorcycle Diaries
Culkin of the year:
Macaulay Culkin (Saved)
Best “bare ass in the moonlight”
Brad Pitt (Troy)
The “Castaway” award for best
performance of an isolated character:
Johnny Depp (Secret Window)
Best performance by an otherwise annoying
Lindsay Lohan (Mean Girls)
Most overrated film:
Lost in Translation
Biggest disappointment:
The Village
The “From Justin to Kelly”
award for excellence in the field of bad filmmaking:
The Ben Affleck prize for excellence in
the field of bad acting:
The Madonna award for excellence in the
field of bad acting:
Worst line:
“Unpack the snowshoes, we’re walking from here.” (The Day After Tomorrow)
“Talk to the hand.” (T3: Rise of the Machines)
Worst delivery of an otherwise good line:
Worst scene:
The architect sequence (The Matrix: Revolutions)
Most eye-rolling moment:
Anything involving “Those We Do Not Speak Of” (The Village)
Worst effects:
Worst movie I never saw:
SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2
Worst ending:
The Village
Best show of the year:
Arrested Development
Runners up- The Office
and Reno 911!
Best episode of the year:
South Park episode 807: The Jeffersons
Best animated show of the year:
South Park
Best guest appearance:
Cheri O’Teri (Curb Your Enthusiasm)
Best line:
“Are you my Caucasian?!” Larry David
Best DVD set:
The Office: The Complete Collection
Best reality TV show:
The Surreal Life
Growing Up Gotti
Worst reality TV show:
The Benefactor
The Ashlee Simpson Show
Best guilty pleasure:
Laguna Beach
Hottest reality TV star:
John Gotti Agnello (Growing Up Gotti)
Most annoying reality star:
Jase Wirey (Big Brother)
Paris Hilton (The Simple Life 2)
Worst show of the year:
High School Stories (MTV)